
I’m Coco - an obsessive creator and collaborator with an intense curiosity for people and a strong desire to build community wherever I go.

I find myself lucky to have found my passion early on in my career. Having studied Advertising, Design and Business Management at the University of Minnesota, I applied my skills in the real estate space upon graduation and have stayed in that space since.

It’s rewarding to see campaigns come to life and to know the impact we have as marketers and communicators. I believe branding and marketing has the power to connect people to new experiences enhancing their quality of life. That’s the ultimate goal.

Story behind the brand.

It all started as a joke, inspired by my wise grandparents who always seemed to have the answers to life's toughest questions. Always giving the best advice, I joked that they needed to open an advisory firm. That's when Franklin & Franklin was born. It was from then on, every time I needed their advice, I called for “Franklin & Franklin's” services.

When launching the studio, I had difficulty deciding what I was going to call it. (Isn’t choosing a name one of the hardest parts of developing your brand?!) But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that my grandparents or “Franklin & Franklin’s” values are what form the foundation of the Studio.

Franklin & Franklin Studio celebrates ideas, keeps it real, and above all never forgets to have a little fun with it.

So welcome to Franklin & Franklin and thanks for being part of our story!